Turkey Trot


Grade levels at CG Elementary are in a race to see who can collect the most items for families in need. The grade level that collects the most items to donate will win bragging rights and a special surprise.

This is a 1-week race starting Tuesday, 12/3 and ending Tuesday, 12/10. We are hoping for food items as well as household, day to day items that struggling families might need. Think the $1 aisle... laundry soap, dish soap, tissues, shampoo, paper towels, cleaning products, paper products, etc.

Food items needed are: Ramen noodles, pasta sauce, canned fruit, peas, carrots, pancake mix, macaroni and cheese, spaghetti os, ravioli, boxed cake and brownie mix, flour, sugar, boxed side dishes, canned chicken, and nonperishable coffee creamer

Please consider donating to help your child’s grade level win this friendly competition. Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity!