The following scholarship/award list is updated to the best of our ability throughout the school year. Availability, funding, eligibility requirements and due dates change from year to year and are available on the website and application links listed below. We have attempted to make this a bit more user-friendly by sorting into three categories: Local, State and National. The guidance office will also periodically place flyers in senior mailboxes and also utilize the TV message screen to alert students of upcoming deadlines. Please remember, there is an abundance of money out there for the taking! A bit of work may result in monetary rewards!
Resources & Scholarships for Homeless and Housing-Insecure Students: https://www.publicservicedegrees.org/resources/higher-education-resources-for-homeless-students/
This page provides an extensive list of on-campus, community, government, and online resources that are dedicated to helping homeless and housing-insecure students. And as the title suggests, we also provide information on scholarships and other financial aid opportunities that can help offset the cost of tuition and housing.
Ancient Order of Hibernians-Sons of Ireland - (2024Hiberian) Applications are now available for the Ancient Order of Hibernians Scholarship. This is a $500.00 cash award that will be presented to a graduating senior planning to further their education while continuing their involvement in the Catholic Church. Fill out attached application and follow directions on the application to submit. The deadline for this application is Wednesday, May 8, 2024.
The Cristin Ann Bambino scholarship - Available to a college or technical school-bound special education student with an active IEP or 504 plan from a NYSIR-member school district. Awarded on a regional basis with one statewide award. Seven regional winners will receive a $3,000 award, one second prize winner will receive a $4,000 award and one statewide winner will receive a $5,000 award. The regional scholarships will be awarded locally, and the $5,000 scholarship will be given at our annual meeting in May Click here for more information: Information and Scholarship_Criteria Applications should be received on or before Friday, March 7, 2025.
Beatrice L. Williams Scholarship Fund - (InformationalFlyer) (BWilliamsApplication) - Graduating high school senior who has been accepted in any of Alfred State's degree-granting programs. Applicant must also complete first semester at Alfred State in good standing to receive second-semester funding. Application due April 1.
Sons of the American Legion High Education / Armed Forces Award - (Legion Application) 2 cash awards totaling $500 each to students pursuing higher education. Recipient must be the son/daughter or grandson/granddaughter of a SAL member that is in good standing. Return application to Counseling Office OR to the Canisteo American Legion Post #846 by April 12, 2025.
Canisteo American Legion Post #846 Higher Education Award - HELegionApplication 2 cash awards totaling $1,000 each to students pursuing higher education. Based on school participation, community service and Legion involvement. Return application to Counseling Office OR to the Canisteo American Legion Post #846 by May 7, 2025.
Canisteo-Greenwood Employee's Association Award (2024 Application) Graduating seniors who are planning to attend college are eligible for a $500 award by submitting an essay to Mrs. Bittel. Application deadline May 3, 2024 at 3:00PM.
Canisteo Police Club Scholarship (CanisteoPolice2023) Graduating seniors pursuing his or her education in Criminal Justice Field. Completed applications must be turned into the Guidance Office or emailed to canisteo_pd@yahoo.com no later than May 31, 2024.
District 6 Federal Credit Union. (2025District6Application) Must be a member’s child or grandchild who is a high school senior and will be pursuing Higher Education after Graduation. Deadline: April 11, 2025.
Diversity Matters 2 U.S. Award. (2024DiversityMatters) Created in memory of our former Superintendent Robert Wood. Canisteo-Greenwood Senior that successfully completed 3 Business Courses and will enroll with a Business or related major. If you qualify, return to Canisteo-Greenwood Guidance Office by May 31, 2024.
Empire State Potato Growers, Inc. (scholarshipapplication) - Graduating seniors must be pursuing college studies benefiting the agricultural industry. Due date: April 1, 2025.
Ethel Strickarz Memorial Scholarship - The Arc of Steuben Foundation is excited to once again offer the $500 Scholarship. Details of the scholarship and application are available here: 2025Application. Completed applications must be received on or before March 31, 2025. Students can return their completed applications to their high school guidance office.
Farm Credit East - Scholarship information and to apply online can be found here. (FarmCreditEastScholarship) - Scholarship deadline is Friday, March 14, 2025.
Friends of Allegany ARC Scholarship - (InformationAndApplication2025) - A $2,000 scholarship awarded to an Allegany County high school student. See all information in the link above. Application is due by Sunday, April 30, 2025.
The Joseph Goncalves Student Humanitarian scholarship - Awarded to two individuals on a statewide basis. The overall winner will receive a $5,000 award and the runner up will receive a $3,000 award. The $3,000 scholarship will be awarded locally, and the $5,000 scholarship will be given at our annual meeting in May. Click here for more information: Information and Scholarship_Criteria Applications should be received on or before Friday, March 7, 2025.
Dr. Guy Hammond Memorial Scholarship - (ScholarshipInformation) - $1,000 scholarship will be chosen based on merit, community involvement, and future plans. Preference will be given to a well-rounded high school graduate who exemplifies similar characteristics of Dr. Hammond. (2024Application) Must be postmarked before May 31, 2024.
Hornell Association Scholarship - Parent must belong to the Hornell Association for 2+ years. Application is available in Guidance office. Submit completed application to Mrs. Burdick in Guidance by May 31, 2024.
Hornell Kiwanis Club Business Scholarship (2024Application) Student must be interested in obtaining a business degree and have taken business courses in High School. Student Application deadline is June 3, 2024. THEY ARE OFFERING TWO SCHOLARSHIPS THIS YEAR! Please submit your application to Mrs. Burdick.
The Paul Jensen scholarship - Awarded to two individuals on a statewide basis. Must have excelled in design. The overall winner will receive a $5,000 award and the runner up will receive a $3,000 award. The $3,000 scholarship will be awarded locally, and the $5,000 scholarship will be given at our annual meeting in May. Click here for more information: Information and Scholarship_Criteria Applications should be received on or before Friday, March 7, 2025.
Ladies Ancient Order of the Hibernians the Daughters of Erin, Hornell, NY Graduation Award Application - Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians is an Irish-Catholic Women's Organization that emphasizes Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity. It is because of this that the organization would like to provide a cash award to a graduating senior who attends one of the following school districts: Alfred-Almond, Arkport, Canisteo-Greenwood, and Hornell. Click here for more information: LAOH Application Scholarship deadline: May 29, 2024.
Lieutenant Colonel Robert J. Peisher Award - Two (2) $250 awards sponsored by the American War Dads Chapter 48, Canisteo Post 846. Graduating high school senior(s) who are children or grandchildren of an American War dads member. In the event there are no direct descendants, awards will be available to the CG graduates who are children or grandchildren of members of the Canisteo American Legion Post 846. Based on Citizenship, Community Involvement, School Participation and Financial Need. Return to Mr. Joe Pacanowski or Mrs. Burdick in the counseling office before April 12, 2025. 2025 Information
Lockheed Martin Vocational Scholarship - Each year, the STEM Scholarship Program awards $10,000 to 200 recipients studying engineering or computer science at a 4-year college or university. Recipients may renew the scholarship up to three times for a total potential value of $40,000 per student. (LockheedMartinScholarshipApplication_Information) The deadline to apply is March 31, 2023.
Maple City Savings Scholarship - $250 scholarship from Maple City Savings. Are you a graduating senior who is going to a 2-year or 4-year college program? Scholarship deadine: May 1, 2024. MapleCitySavingsApplication
MAC Odyssey Scholarship – The Mansfield Auxiliary Corporation is offering a scholarship for the upcoming 2023-24 academic year to graduating seniors who have decided to attend Commonwealth University – Mansfield. Click for more info:https://mansfieldfoundation.awardspring.com The application is general, and students may qualify for additional awards. Deadline is August 31, 2023.
"My Dream In Life" Scholarship Award - Graduating seniors who are interested must submit an essay regarding their "Dream in Life" to the guidance office at aburdick@cgcsd.org. Application deadline June 1, 2024.
Norman Harvey Endowment Scholarship - Graduating senior(s) (Top 3rd of class) - Applications will be evaluated on academics, activities and community service. Due April 2024 to Guidance Department.
Norm Ward Athletic Scholarship (2022NormWardScholarship) Eligible seniors reside in Steuben County, Should be an active athlete with preference to those involved in running with a GPA of 85% or higher. Application deadline: April 8, 2022.
Noyes Health Auxiliary Scholarship (Noyes Auxiliary Scholarship) - Graduating seniors who wish to major in an aspect of the medical field. Due February 14, 2025 with 2 letters of recommendation and Transcript to the Guidance Office.
NYS Credit Union Association - Rochester Chapter Association - (ServUCUInformation) - will be awarding scholarship funds to outstanding high school seniors that are members of participating Rochester Chapter Credit Unions, including ServU Credit Union. Applicants are judged on academic performance, community involvement, and an essay. Awards are $1000. Application deadline March 1, 2024.
"Remember Who You Are Award" - In honor of the Memory of Mrs. Bossard. Award of $500 is intended to graduating seniors wo demonstrate Mrs. Bossard's high expectations of exemplary character in their everyday actions and deeds. Click here for the application: 2024Application Scholarship deadline: Thursday, May 30, 2024.
Scottish American Society of the Southern Tier of New York - 3 scholarships awarded in the amount of $500 each. Applications are reviewed and weighted according to merit, scholarship and interest in Scottish heritage. Click here for application (SASApplication2025). Application deadline April 19, 2025.
Section V Scholarship - A $500 scholarship will be awarded in every sport offered in Section V. Students graduating in 2025 are eligible. Application deadline for fall sports November 8, 2024. Application deadline for winter sports and spring sports will be posted at a later date. SectionVScholarshipApplication
ServU Credit Union High School Award - Awards of $1000 are given to graduating high school seniors who will be entering either a two – or four–year college in the fall of 2024. Click here for more information: (ServUCUInformation) Application deadline April 15, 2024.
Steuben County School Counselor Association Annual Scholarship - Award given to graduating high school senior who will be pursuing a career in the helping profession. Click here for more information: (2025Application) Application deadline May 8, 2025 (to allow CG Counselors time to write their letter of recommendation.)
Twin Tiers Society of Women Engineers Scholarship - Click on link to learn more. (SWEInformation2025) - Five non-renewable scholarships for $2,000 each to seniors who identify as female. (Application2025) The deadline for submission for the Twin Tiers SWE application is March 21, 2025.
Western Steuben/Allegany Association of Realtors Scholarship - (2023Information) Graduating seniors should be enrolled in courses that have to do with housing and related real estate activities such as electrical, plumbing, heavy equipment, survey or carpentry. Please read attached PDF file for directions on how to apply. Application deadline is June 1, 2023.
WNY R-AHEC Scholarship - New Scholarship Opportunity for the 2024-2025 school year! This scholarship is for graduating seniors that intend to pursue a career in the healthcare field. Applications are due Monday, March 24, 2025. Information
The Women of Steel Local 1000 Female Scholarship Program - $1,000 scholarship. Interested applicants fill out the application and compose a 250-350 word essay, as well as provide a detailed list describing their academic achievements, extracurricular activities, volunteer/fundraising efforts, activism within their community, and any additional accomplishments that display personal qualities as a young female leader. Application2025 Application deadline April 3, 2025.