High School Nurse's Office

Illness during school hours
If your child develops a fever of 100 degrees or above, is vomiting, or communicable disease is suspected, your child will need to be sent home. Transportation is to be provided by the parent.
Leaving during school hours
To protect the safety of your child, no student shall be permitted to leave unless the parent/guardian has written a note & the note has been turned into the Main Office, The parent/guardian calls the Main Office, The parent/guardian comes to pick up their child. In some cases, one of your child's emergency contacts can be contacted for permission
When writing notes for your child(ren) please be sure to include the child's first and last name as well as the date the note was written.
Parental notes

If your child will not be attending school, please contact Mrs. Schaumberg for reported attendance, (607) 698-4225 ext. 2400 and briefly state your name, your child's name and the reason for absence. In addition, if your child is arriving late to school or having early dismissal, please make certain to have your child check in with Mrs. Schaumberg in the main office & provide a note to Mrs. Schaumberg to properly update attendance records. Should your child be arriving late to school from a doctor's appt., dental appt., etc., please make certain to send a note from the physician stating your child was seen in their office that day. This will help to accurately update your child's attendance records. When your child returns to school, please send a note in to the Main Office with a reason for their absence. Physicians notes for absences are helpful when dealing with attendance issues for your child. If your child has seen the doctor during their absence, please have the doctor's office write a note and have your child bring it to Mrs. Schaumberg in the Main Office.
If your child has an appointment at any time during the day and will miss school, proof of the appointment is required, especially if your child is involved in a sport or school activity (refer to the Athletic Code in your child's handbook).
Important Information for Parents
Illness-If your child has the following: Fever of 100 or above or has been vomiting we request that you keep your child home from school. Your child may return when they have not had a fever for 24 hours without medication or has not vomited in 24 hours.
Strep throat, pink eye, impetigo, ringworm- student may return to school after a full 24 hours of antibiotic/antifungal therapy.
Skin rashes of unknown origin, please contact the health office.
Students with scabies may return to school after 1 application of medication.
Lice-Students who are found to have live lice, lice eggs or nits will be sent home. If there are siblings or other students that live in the house with the infested student, they will also be checked by the school nurse and sent home as necessary. Children will be readmitted once treatment has been done and your child has no live lice, eggs, or nits.
For information regarding treatment and prevention please click the link below.