The property of the school district may be used for those purpose specified in Education Law 414(1). No outside organization or group may be allowed to conduct religious services or religious instruction on school premises after school. However, the use of school premises by outside organizations or groups after school for the purpose of discussing religious material or material which contains a religious viewpoint or for distributing such material is permissible.
The use of school buildings, rooms and portions of the grounds designated for recreational activity may be used by the public when such facilities are not in use for District purposes and will not be disruptive of the normal operations of the District for any of the following purposes:
1. For the purpose of instruction in any branch of education, learning or the arts.
2. For holding social, civic and recreational meetings and entertainment and other uses pertaining to the welfare of the community.
3. For meetings, entertainment and occasions where admission fees are charged, when the proceeds thereof are to be expended for an educational or charitable purpose but, such use will not be permitted if such meeting, entertainment and occasions are under exclusive control and the proceeds are to applied for the benefits of a society, association or organization of religious sect or denomination or a fraternal, secret or exclusive society or organization other than organization of veterans of the military, navy, and marine service of the United States and organizations of volunteer firefighters or volunteer ambulance workers.
4. For polling place, for holding primaries and elections and for the registration of voters.
5. For classes of instruction for mentally disabled minors operated by a private organization approved by the Commissioner of Education.
6. For recreation, physical training and athletics including competitive athletic contests of children attending a private, non-profit school.
7. For the provision of child care services during non-school hours or to provide child care services during school hours for the children of students attending the District and if space permits, for the children of employees of the District. The cost of such child care shall not be a charge on the District but shall be provided for by charges determined by the Board of Education and paid for by the parent of the children attending such day care.
8. For graduation exercised held by not-for-profit elementary and secondary schools, provided that no religious service is performed.
All individual groups, and agencies wishing to use District buildings or grounds must present a certificate of insurance of a general liability policy of at least one half million dollars naming the District as an additional insured on the insurance certificate, except in situations where all participants are adults and not functioning as an organized group. The person responsible for use of the District facilities may also be required to pay a fee equal to the amount of the District costs in operating the facility in advance of the event. The District reserves the rights to charge additional fees based on unexpected cost or damages associated with the use of its facilities.