Expectations for Students
Be Safe
Board the bus one at a time
Respect the danger zone around the bus
Remain seated until dismissed by the bus driver
Wait for driver signal to walk in front of the bus
Resolve conflicts in a peaceful manner
Clear loading/unloading areas as quickly as possible
Be Respectful
Use appropriate and positive language
Speak in conversational tones
Respect division property (e.g. bus seats, doors, windows)
Respect the property of others
Follow the instructions of the bus driver
Follow the instructions of the bus supervisors
Be Responsible
Be on time for the bus
Remain seated in assigned seats
Eat or drink before or after the bus ride
Keep books and or bags on your lap
Keep aisles clear
Ask the driver's permission to open a window
Be Positive
Help the bus driver do a good job
Help other students
Model safe, responsible and respectful behavior
When a student violates a rule, he/she will be dealt with directly by the bus driver and reported to the administrator of his/her school. The administrator will determine whether the violation is Level 1-3 and take the appropriate action based on that determination. Consideration may be given to age, disability status and developmentally appropriate behavior.
The school principal/designee will have authority to suspend the riding privileges of students and/or take other reasonable disciplinary actions for students who exhibit improper behavior on the bus. School Administrators will determine the disciplinary action based on severity and frequency of referrals.
Below you will find a list of violations that are categorized as minor (Level 1), serious (Level 2) or severe (Level 3). Please note that some infractions are included in more than one list. If so, the administrator will determine which category to use in order to apply the consequence for the infraction. In addition, should a violation not be listed in any category the administration shall determine the category to use when applying the consequence. The listed behaviors are examples of behaviors that may be disruptive or compromise safety on the bus and are not intended to be exhaustive. Suspension of bus riding privileges includes all buses to and from school as determined by the School Administrator. In addition, any violation may be shifted from one category to another if the situation warrants as determined by the School Administrator.
Level 1
Failure to follow directions
Pushing and/or shoving
Mischief (horseplay, etc.)
Showing affection
Verbal confrontation student to student
Inappropriate language
Excessive noise
Lying down in the seat
Not remaining seated
Legs in aisle
Littering on bus
Disrespect to peers
Consequences will range from a conference up to and including denial of bus riding privilege and/or consequences as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct as determined by the Building Principal or school administrator.

Level 2
Body parts outside the bus
Intentionally riding the wrong bus
Getting off at the wrong stop
Jumping over seat
Abusive language, profanity or obscene gestures
Shooting projectiles
Bullying/ Harassment
Spraying aerosol
Possession of matches/lighter
Throwing objects on the bus or outside the bus
Inappropriate actions toward motorists
Use of laser pointer or reflective device Changing clothes on the bus
Use of electronic flash
Opening emergency door/window
Use of pepper spray
Vandalism/writing on bus surfaces
Possession of tobacco products
Verbally threatening
Interruption of the normal operation of the bus
Consequences will range from 3 days suspension of bus riding privilege up to and including suspension of bus riding privilege for the remainder of the school year and/or consequences as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct as determined by the Building Principal or school administrator.
Level 3
Possession of a weapon
Possession and/or discharging of firecrackers or other explosive devices
Sexual misconduct
Possession and/or consumption/use of alcohol/tobacco products
Severe safety violations
Possession of drugs and/or drug paraphernalia
Distribution of alcohol or drugs paraphernalia
Lighting matches, lighter
Lighting flammable sprays, liquids, etc.
Consequences will range from 10 days suspension of bus riding privilege up to and including suspension of bus riding privilege for the remainder of the school year and/or consequences as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct as determined by the Building Principal or school administrator.

If a student plans to ride a bus to a destination other than the location they ride to on a daily basis, a note from the parent/guardian must be submitted to the Main Office no later than noon (12pm) on the date in question. If a student is riding to the home of or with another student, both students must present notes from their separate parents/guardians by noon (12pm) on the day of the alternative transportation. Failure to provide one or both bus notes (depending on the situation) will result in the student being required to ride the bus originally assigned to them.
The Board of Education recognizes its responsibility to ensure the safety and welfare of staff and students on school transportation vehicles. Video cameras may be used to monitor student behavior on school vehicles transporting students to and from school or extracurricular activities. Questions about the school transportation program should be directed to the Transportation Supervisor at (607) 698-1301.