Notice is hereby given that the Canisteo-Greenwood Central School District has the following surplus items for sale:
District ID Van 35- 2013 Dodge Caravan- VIN 2C4RDGCGXDR625854 3.6L V6 Automatic Transmission Mileage: 119,XXX
District ID Van 36- 2013 Dodge Caravan- VIN 2C4RDGCG9DR626090 3.6L V6 Automatic Transmission Mileage: 114,XXX
District ID SUV 23- 2007 Chevrolet Suburban – VIN 3GNGK26K67G307893 5.3L V8 Automatic Transmission Mileage: 179,XXX
District ID SUV 37- 2015 Chevrolet Suburban – VIN 1GNSK5EC9FR278670 5.3L V8 Automatic Transmission Mileage: 106,XXX
Vehicles may be seen by appointment at the Canisteo-Greenwood Central School Transportation Department 11 5th Street, Canisteo NY 14823 from 7:00am to 2:00pm weekdays between Sept. 12 and Sept. 23. Call the bus garage at 607-698-4225 ext: 1301 to make an appointment.
Sealed bids for the purchase of these "as is" items should be directed to Christine Taggert, District Clerk, 84 Greenwood St, Canisteo NY 14823. They will be received until 2pm on Tuesday October 11, 2022. Bids will be publicly opened and read at the 6pm Regular Board of Education meeting. The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any and all bids received. Canisteo-Greenwood lettering and mobile dispatch radio equipment will be removed prior to sale.